Tuesday, May 19, 2009

GRADE 7 and 8 JUNE TESTS 2009

Thursday, June 18
Afternoon.....Computer Science/PAA

Friday, June 19

Monday, June 22
Afternoon.....First Nations Dance Troop-Attendance required

Tuesday, June 23
Morning.......Social Studies
Afternoon.....Math (This was originally scheduled for Monday, June 22)

Wednesday, June 24

• Morning exams start after opening exercises
• Afternoon exams begin at 12:30
• Students are required to remain in the exam room for at least 2 hours
• Students have a maximum of 2.5 hours to complete exams
• Students who have parent permission may return home following an exam, or stay home if they have exempted an exam.
• ALL STUDENTS WILL WRITE AT LEAST ONE EXAM PER DAY. (if you meet the requirements for exempting Science, you may also exempt Health on that day

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


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